
Blog Category: Staff

December 15, 2014

How Our Rawhide Cafe Staff Keeps Us Nourished

  When we talk about meals at the Rawhide “ranch,” perhaps you picture a movie scene of folks sitting…

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July 21, 2014

Jeff Miller: The Man Behind the Curtain

Rawhide Vehicle Sales Manager When Dorothy landed in the fictional Emerald City, she met many helpful citizens on her…

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Meet Our Vehicle Production Manager – Eric
February 24, 2014

Meet Our Vehicle Production Manager – Eric

We have many friendly and helpful staff working at Rawhide. Each staff member has their own important role…

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Loving Confrontation – Part of House Parents Job
November 4, 2013

Loving Confrontation – Part of House Parents Job

Meet Roger and Deb Tews, the newest house parents in the Gillespie…

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House Parents: A Day in the Life
October 14, 2013

House Parents: A Day in the Life

Family is at the heart of our residential program in New London, Wisconsin. A good family loves and…

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A Day in the Life of a Youth Care Worker
October 7, 2013

A Day in the Life of a Youth Care Worker

  “This is where God wants me right now,” says Rebecca a current youth care worker who has been…

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