Always a part of our family.

When you’ve completed the Rawhide program, you return to the community. You may say goodbye to your residential staff, Starr Academy teachers and new friends on the day you move out, but we hope your relationship with Rawhide extends far longer. Wherever you may go in life, we hope you’ll stay in touch and reach out for support if you need it.

Transitional services, support for a lifetime

We want Rawhide alumni to succeed far beyond our therapy sessions and residential care setting. Our alumni program is currently in the re-evaluation stage. More information about the revamped offerings will be available soon.

Scholarships—help for education

Alumni can succeed in the community when they have access to higher education and gainful employment. Community scholarships and grants are available to help you obtain the education and career you’ve always dreamed of.

Human service organizations, assistance wherever you go

We connect alumni with a wide range of community resources that can help them live a healthy, full life. Looking for support after you’ve left Rawhide? See a full list of organizations for more resources.

Contact us. We're here for you.

Stay in touch and reach out for support if you need it.