Hello! My name is Dylan and I want to share my Rawhide journey. I experienced a lot of trauma growing up and found ways to numb myself, which eventually led me to juvenile detention and then Rawhide at 16 years old. Since I arrived in April, I have learned I am a hard worker and a good person. Thanks to the supportive staff, I was able to start my healing journey through equine-assisted therapy and catch up on missing school credits so I can graduate on time. I have also taken job training courses to help build my workforce skills. The camping trip with Rawhide’s Young Life program was fun and reminded me of my hunting, fishing and wild rice harvesting adventures with my dad back home on the Bad River Indian Reservation. When I complete my Rawhide program, I plan to attend college, get a carpentry job, move off the reservation and start accomplishing my goals. In 5 years, I hope to have a career building houses for people in order to save enough money to build my own. Thank you for the opportunity so I could get closer to graduating high school, start healing from my past, and learn coping skills for a successful future. Sincerely, Dylan Share: Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.